In this country, driving is considered a privilege. For you to keep this privilege, you must obey the laws. If you fail to, the DMV could remove these privileges. Before they remove them from you, the DMV often gives high-risk drivers one last opportunity to continue driving, and they do this by requiring SR-22 insurance. If you are told you must get this to keep driving, you will need to get it even if you do not have a car.
What is SR-22 coverage?
SR-22 insurance coverage is something people only need to get if they are considered high-risk drivers and if they are told by the DMV they need it. With this coverage, your insurance company agrees to notify the DMV if your auto insurance lapses. Because this coverage is only needed by high-risk drivers, it typically costs more to get.
Why do you need it if you do not have a car?
SR-22 coverage is not only designed to offer insurance coverage on a vehicle, but it is also designed to make sure a person has insurance coverage. The insurance company that sells the policy has responsibilities when they issue the policy. In addition, this requirement is designed to serve as a consequence to drivers who have experienced a lot of traffic tickets or other problems relating to driving.
If you do not have a car but are told you need SR-22 coverage, you must get it if you ever want to legally drive again.
What are the consequences of not getting it?
If you fail to purchase an SR-22 policy because you think you do not need to if you do not have a car, you will have consequences. The main consequence is that you will not be able to drive until you get the policy. The DMV will remove your driving privileges.
The other thing to realize is that when you need SR-22 coverage, it is typically required for a three-year period. If you keep the coverage for three years, you will no longer need the coverage and will be able to purchase a regular auto insurance policy. It's important to know that you will not be able to switch from an SR-22 policy to a regular policy until you have kept SR-22 coverage for the time period you are told you need it, and the coverage must be consecutive.
If you want to continue driving and are instructed to get SR-22 coverage, you must get it, and you must act quickly. If you currently need this type of coverage, contact an auto insurance company today to learn more about the options you have. Companies like Angel Auto Insurance can help you with your coverage needs.
Share21 September 2017
About a year ago, I started thinking more seriously about choosing different insurance. I was focusing on all of the different aspects of insurance, and it was really interesting to me to see how much I could save by switching services. It was a lot to process, but before I knew it, I was able to completely overhaul my insurance coverage, and it made a tremendous amount of difference for me. This blog is here to help other people to know what to look for in insurance coverage so that they can enjoy a happier tomorrow. Check out this blog for more information.