A Parent's Role In Safe Driving


Most people learn how to drive from their parents, which means your kids owe a lot of their road safety to your training. Even if you haven't been involved in your kids driving lessons, you still have a part to play as far as their safety on the road is concerned. Here are some of the specific roles you should play: Controlling Access to Cars You should have a say on how much your teen drives, where they drive and how much they drive if you want them to be safe on the road.

12 December 2017

4 Reasons To See Your Primary Care Physician


One of the keys to good health is having a primary care physician who you can see for treatment. When it comes to primary care physicians, you can choose from either a family practitioner or an internal medicine physician. Both types of physicians are very similar — the main difference is the fact that a family practitioner can treat both children and adults, while an internal medicine physician focuses on providing primary care for adults.

25 October 2017

Three Types Of Life Insurance You Can Get

Insurance Blog

When you purchase life insurance, you are entering a contract with the insurance company. You will make premium payments to the company, and the insurance company will provide a lump sum payment to the beneficiaries listed in the contract upon your death. The money is then used to pay off your standing debts and provide you with funeral services and burial costs, including a casket or urn if that's what you defined in your will.

26 September 2017

3 Tips For Lowering Auto Coverage With A Teenager On Your Policy

Insurance Blog

There's no doubt your child may be extremely excited about driving. This is a special time of life, and getting a drivers' license will allow your teenager to have lots of freedom. However, this typically means more money out of the parents' pockets, and this can be frustrating. One expense you will want to work to keep down is the cost of auto coverage. Knowing specific ways, you can make this happen are confident to be advantageous to you.

26 September 2017

Several Factors To Know About Insuring Your Business

Insurance Blog

Protecting your new business with an insurance policy will be essential if you are to prevent it being forced to close due to extensive liabilities. Those that are in the process of starting a business for the first time will often be unsure about commercial insurance, but learning more about this topic is essential for making smart choices when buying this policy. Commercial Insurance Can Be Useful For Businesses Of Any Size

26 September 2017

Five Types Of Water Damage Your Flood Insurance Probably Won'T Compensate

Insurance Blog

When you buy flood insurance, you may think that your house and its belongings are henceforth safe from water-related damages. However, this isn't the case because there are some forms of water damage that flood insurance doesn't cover. Here are five examples of such damages: Damage Caused by Water from Inside the House In flood insurance, the term "flood" refers to water outside the house such as those from melting snow, rainfall or hurricane.

26 September 2017

Reasons Why You May Need To Carry SR22 Insurance For Longer Than Three Years

Insurance Blog

If you have been convicted of a DUI or DWI, you are required to carry SR22 insurance. Having a drunk driving conviction makes you more of a risk, so states require you to carry a larger insurance policy amount than normal state minimums once your license becomes reinstated. The length of time that you are required to carry this policy varies from state to state but for the majority of the time, it is for three years.

26 September 2017

Important Auto Insurance Factors And Tips

Insurance Blog

Without the protection of an auto insurance policy, you could find yourself facing a variety of legal and financial liabilities. In addition to buying one of these policies, it is also important for you to have a competent understanding of the numerous ways that your auto insurance policy will protect you and the limits to this protection. Basic Liability Coverage Will Not Pay For Repairs To Your Vehicle One of the most important factors to remember about a basic liability policy is that it will only cover the damages that you cause with your vehicle.

24 September 2017

4 Ways To Reduce Homeowner's Insurance Payments

Insurance Blog

Homeowner's insurance is an essential part of owning your own home, and your policy acts to protect your property in the event of damage caused by a whole host of environmental factors. However, the monthly payments that you are saddled with may be a little too tough on your budget. Fortunately, there are a few different things that you can do to cut down on your homeowner's insurance payments. Add Reinforcements

24 September 2017

4 Ways For Employers To Avoid Workers' Compensation Fraud

Insurance Blog

Workers compensation fraud can be committed by healthcare providers, employers, and employees. If you are an employer, you stand to lose money and work hours if a healthcare provider or one of your employees commit workers' compensation fraud. You may risk higher insurance premiums as well as have to pay certain parts of your employee compensation. However, there are a few ways you can help discourage fraud within your company, such as:

23 September 2017