Work In Construction? Two Reasons To Get Contractor Liability Insurance

Insurance Blog

Construction jobs come in many different forms. One day could find you building on a large commercial site while the very next week you might be engaged in a residential assignment. The field is vast and can be very exciting if you enjoy exploring new environments and working with your hands. If you are just getting your feet wet in the construction world and want to hit the ground running with a bang, find out how you can benefit by taking out a contractor liability insurance policy.

30 November 2020

4 Types Of Personal Insurance To Consider From An Insurance Agency

Insurance Blog

Insurance products are created to protect the financial well-being of everyday individuals. Take a look at just a few of the forms of insurance that may be available through an insurance agency service.  Long-Term Care Insurance  The cost of long-term care can quickly bankrupt the average senior and create a major burden for relatives. The typical cost of annual nursing home care is between $89,297 and $100,375. Insurance doesn't always cover the costs of long-term care either.

30 October 2020

How Commercial Insurance Differs From Residential Coverage

Insurance Blog

Anyone running a business should be interested in acquiring commercial insurance. If this is your first time shopping for it, you may not be clear on how it differs from insuring your house. Here are four differences all customers need to know. Liability for Commercial Activities When you insure your residence, you're mostly insuring the structure and getting some degree of liability against injuries folks might suffer while on the property.

29 September 2020

How Can People With Type 2 Diabetes Find An Affordable Life Insurance Policy?

Insurance Blog

Many people who have type 2 diabetes wonder if they'll be able to find life insurance that they can afford. After all, insurers rate risk primarily on age and health, and they'll price premiums accordingly. Thankfully, it's typically easy for people with type 2 diabetes to find life insurance, and there are steps that you can take to reduce your monthly premiums when you're applying. To find out how to keep your life insurance premiums low when you have type 2 diabetes, read on.

26 August 2020

4 Expensive Auto Insurance Mistakes (And How To Avoid Them)

Insurance Blog

Shopping for auto insurance is far from the most exciting thing in the world. However, when you're behind the wheel, having the right coverage can give you added protection and invaluable peace of mind. And of course, nobody wants to spend more than they need to on car insurance —  so by being aware of some common (and costly) mistakes, you can avoid wasting your hard-earned money. Carelessly Choosing a Deductible

28 July 2020

Ready To Lower Your Auto Costs? Top Tips For Paying Less

Insurance Blog

To lower your auto costs, you will need to trim your other financial obligations. The key to making this possible may rest in taking a long look at your insurance needs. Having a reliable car helps you to remain independent, and having insurance helps you maintain this independence. It's vital to have the right coverage in place to protect you in the event of an accident. 1. Look at your credit report

25 June 2020

3 Things To Know About Buying Cheap Auto Insurance

Insurance Blog

If you are currently unhappy with the amount that you pay for car insurance, you might be hoping to shop around for cheap auto insurance. If this is the case, you will probably want to know these three things. 1. You'll Often Still Enjoy Great Coverage When it comes to something as important as car insurance, you might be nervous about the impact of going too cheap. Of course, it is important to make sure that you and your cars are properly protected.

18 March 2020

Starting Up Your Own Business? 2 Types Of Insurance You Need

Insurance Blog

If you are starting up your own business, you need to protect yourself and your company in many ways. One way to do this is to purchase types of insurance. Below are two of these types so you can contact an insurance agent to get you covered. Workers Compensation Insurance If one of your employees is injured while working for you and they will be out of work, they will file for workers comp insurance.

23 January 2020