Have you been informed that you need to get SR-22 insurance in order to drive, but not sure what that means? If so, you likely have the following questions about it.
Why Is SR-22 Insurance Necessary?
Some states will require a driver to purchase SR-22 insurance if they have a conviction related to a specified driving violation, such as reckless driving or a DUI. SR-22 insurance may sound like an actual insurance policy, but it is not that at all. SR-22 insurance is simply an endorsement that you need to purchase that proves you have the required liability coverage to be driving.
How Long Is SR-22 Insurance Necessary?
Know that you are not going to need to purchase SR-22 insurance forever. However, the length that is needed depends on your state's local laws. For example, the state of Illinois requires a driver to have SR-22 insurance for three years. It is also possible that you'll need to start the process over again if you let the SR-22 insurance expire and you do not have it.
How Do You Get SR-22 Insurance?
You'll need to find an insurance provider that offers SR-22 insurance. This is because they need to file the paperwork with your state on your behalf, and they need to be familiar with the process. Thankfully, SR-22 insurance is not a rare type of insurance, so you should have no problem finding an insurance provider in your area.
Does SR-22 Insurance Vary In Price?
Just like any insurance product, know that different insurance providers are going to offer you a different price for SR-22 insurance. That is why it is always worth shopping around to try and get the best deal possible. It may take a bit of work to do so, but it will ensure that you are not overpaying for insurance.
However, one thing to be aware of is that the need for SR-22 insurance can cause the rates on your normal insurance to go up. It may help to shop around for SR-22 and standard car insurance at the same time to see what the total combined price will be for both.
Is SR-22 Insurance Only Required For Vehicle Owners?
Not having a car does not mean that you are free from the need for SR-22 insurance. As long as you are driving a vehicle, even if it is not owned by you, you will need SR-22 insurance. Make sure to inform your insurance provider so you can get the correct price on a policy for a non-car owner.
Learn more about SR-22 insurance.
Share17 January 2023
About a year ago, I started thinking more seriously about choosing different insurance. I was focusing on all of the different aspects of insurance, and it was really interesting to me to see how much I could save by switching services. It was a lot to process, but before I knew it, I was able to completely overhaul my insurance coverage, and it made a tremendous amount of difference for me. This blog is here to help other people to know what to look for in insurance coverage so that they can enjoy a happier tomorrow. Check out this blog for more information.