When you buy flood insurance, you may think that your house and its belongings are henceforth safe from water-related damages. However, this isn't the case because there are some forms of water damage that flood insurance doesn't cover. Here are five examples of such damages:
Damage Caused by Water from Inside the House
In flood insurance, the term "flood" refers to water outside the house such as those from melting snow, rainfall or hurricane. It doesn't include water from inside the house, for example, those from broken plumbing pipes. Therefore, don't expect the insurance company to settle your claim if you forgot to turn off the kitchen tap before leaving home, the sink has overflowed, and your house has suffered water damage.
Damage from Swimming Pool Water
The swimming pool may be outside your house, but damage from swimming pool water won't be compensated by flood insurance companies. This is because damage from swimming pool isn't exactly a natural disaster (that flood insurance is all about), but rather a maintenance issue. Therefore, don't expect a settlement from your flood insurance company if your above ground swimming pool cracks and spews water into your home.
Landscaping Damage
Floodwater will damage everything in their path, but not all of them will be covered by insurance. For example, many of these policies exclude landscaping damage. This is probably because it's difficult to protect your landscaping from flood damage and it will be the first thing to experience damage during the flood.
Damage to Money and Important Papers
If you are keeping some money or important papers, such as title deeds or university certificates, then you should ensure they are safe before the hurricane season begins. Flood insurance won't compensate you for such damages; you may need a rider or separate coverage for them.
Damage to Below Ground Items and Constructions
Any parts of your house, or your personal items, that are below the ground aren't protected with flood insurance too. In a typical flooding zone, almost all below-ground structures and their contents will be damaged, and insurance doesn't cover sure events, it's meant for potential damages. Therefore, don't expect flood insurance to come to your rescue if your basement is flooded and the sofa seats in the room have been ruined with flood water.
Read your insurance policy to understand the risks and damages covered by or excluded from your policy. You can always talk to your insurance agent or company for further clarification. Those people can also help you understand the coverage you need for the excluded risks. For more information, contact companies like Hilborn Insurance.
Share26 September 2017
About a year ago, I started thinking more seriously about choosing different insurance. I was focusing on all of the different aspects of insurance, and it was really interesting to me to see how much I could save by switching services. It was a lot to process, but before I knew it, I was able to completely overhaul my insurance coverage, and it made a tremendous amount of difference for me. This blog is here to help other people to know what to look for in insurance coverage so that they can enjoy a happier tomorrow. Check out this blog for more information.