Reasons Why You May Need To Carry SR22 Insurance For Longer Than Three Years

Insurance Blog

If you have been convicted of a DUI or DWI, you are required to carry SR22 insurance. Having a drunk driving conviction makes you more of a risk, so states require you to carry a larger insurance policy amount than normal state minimums once your license becomes reinstated. The length of time that you are required to carry this policy varies from state to state but for the majority of the time, it is for three years. However, in certain circumstances, you may be required to carry this type of insurance for longer. Here are three of the reasons why you may have to carry SR22 insurance for longer than three years. 

You Have Multiple Reasons to Carry SR22 Insurance

You are required to carry SR22 insurance following a DUI or DWI conviction. However, this is not the only reason why you may be required to carry this type of insurance. You may also be required to carry this type of insurance if you were found to be at fault for an accident and you did not have insurance, you have multiple traffic offenses in a short period of time, or you were driving with a suspended or revoked license. These infractions stay on your driving record for up to 10 years. If, during this time period, you have completed the SR22 insurance period but commit the same or another infraction that requires you once again to need SR 22, the length in which you must carry the insurance may be longer the second time. 

You Allowed the Policy to Lapse

Another reason why you may be required to carry SR22 insurance for longer than three years is because you allowed the insurance policy to lapse. The laws regarding SR22 insurance and lapses vary from state to state. In some states, your completion time simply freezes until the policy is reinstated or a new one starts. In other states, your three years starts all over again.  

You Were Cited For Traffic Infractions

The last reason why you may need to carry SR22 insurance for longer than three years is because you were cited for traffic infractions while insured under one of these policies. When you have SR22 insurance, you are required to follow all traffic laws. If you are cited for something such as speeding or running a stop sign, the courts may lengthen the amount of time you have to carry this coverage, while also increasing the fines for the traffic infraction you committed. 

SR22 insurance can be costly. As such, you want to follow all traffic laws and prevent the insurance from lapsing to minimize the amount of time you are required to carry this type of insurance policy. For more information about SR22 insurance, contact a local insurance company in your area, such as Germain Insurance Agency.


26 September 2017

Understanding Insurance Rates

About a year ago, I started thinking more seriously about choosing different insurance. I was focusing on all of the different aspects of insurance, and it was really interesting to me to see how much I could save by switching services. It was a lot to process, but before I knew it, I was able to completely overhaul my insurance coverage, and it made a tremendous amount of difference for me. This blog is here to help other people to know what to look for in insurance coverage so that they can enjoy a happier tomorrow. Check out this blog for more information.