A Parent's Role In Safe Driving


Most people learn how to drive from their parents, which means your kids owe a lot of their road safety to your training. Even if you haven't been involved in your kids driving lessons, you still have a part to play as far as their safety on the road is concerned. Here are some of the specific roles you should play:

Controlling Access to Cars

You should have a say on how much your teen drives, where they drive and how much they drive if you want them to be safe on the road. For example, you can deny them access to the car if they are drowsy or tired because they have a heightened risk of accident in such a state. This should be the case whether the teenager is driving your car or have a ride of their own.

Creating Enforcing Driving-Related Rules

It is not enough to control your teenager's access to cars, it is also your responsibility to create and enforce driving rules for your teenagers because they may not appreciate just how dangerous driving is. For example, if your teenager drinks (even without your permission), you should have a strict no drinking-and-driving policy, and enforce it to the letter. It's even better if you can create a parent-teen driving agreement with your child.

Giving Safe-Driving Tips

Rules alone will not help; you should also instruct your teenagers on safe driving practices. Even if your teen learned to drive in a driving school and not from you, you still have a wealth of experience you can impart to them given that you have been driving for a long time. whenever you are in the car with your teen, don't let the opportunity pass without you giving them advice on how to overtake, navigate corners, deal with road rage, among other useful gems you may have gathered over the years. It is also helpful to help them understand your state's driving laws.

Leading by Example

With most kids, words alone will not help; you also have to act according to your words. For example, you will be confusing the child if you restrict them from driving while drowsy while you don't have any qualms about driving after a night of partying. Make sure they see you following your own rules to increase their chances of listening to you.

Note that teenagers attract some of the highest auto insurance rates due to their inexperience and propensity for accidents. Helping them avoid auto accidents will go a long way in helping keep their rates from going through the roof apart from the obvious fact that it is good for everyone's safety on the road. Talk to a company like Northeast Insurance Agency for more help.


12 December 2017

Understanding Insurance Rates

About a year ago, I started thinking more seriously about choosing different insurance. I was focusing on all of the different aspects of insurance, and it was really interesting to me to see how much I could save by switching services. It was a lot to process, but before I knew it, I was able to completely overhaul my insurance coverage, and it made a tremendous amount of difference for me. This blog is here to help other people to know what to look for in insurance coverage so that they can enjoy a happier tomorrow. Check out this blog for more information.