3 Things Your Auto Insurance May Cover That You Were Not Aware Of

Insurance Blog

Many people think of their auto insurance as only covering the obvious types of damage. This includes accidents with other vehicles and theft. However, you may have more coverage than you think. Here are some things that your car insurance may cover that you were not aware of.

Personal Property Loss

If your car was stolen or broken into, you may assume that you are only covered for losses to the car itself. This could include the value of the car itself as well as broken locks, windows, and ignitions. However, your coverage may extend to the personal property inside your vehicle.

For example, your car may have been targeted because of the things that you had inside it. This includes bags from a recent shopping trip, that GPS that you had mounted on the dashboard, or your kids video game console that was laying in the back seat. If you have the right policy, these types of items could also be covered by your insurance policy. Your deductible will cover both the damage to your car and all items that were stolen inside of it.

Car Seats

Nothing is more important than your child's safety, which extends to using a car seat that will keep them safe in case you get into a crash. You may not be aware that it is recommended to get a new car seat if it is involved in a crash, even if it keeps the kid safe and looks to be in good shape. That recommendation still applies to change the car seat if you are involved in a car accident where a child was not sitting in the car seat at the time.

If you are already going to be filing an insurance claim to have your car repaired, don't forget to include a replacement car seat with your claim. The cost of new car seats can quickly add up if you have two kids, making the insurance claim well worth it.

Animal Damage

It is usually clear about who will pay for the damages to your car when another driver is at fault, since you reach out to their insurance provider. However, what do you do when you hit an animal on the road? Animals don't exactly carry insurance, or even survive the accident. Thankfully, this type of damage is covered with comprehensive insurance coverage, so you can get the car repaired with a minimal out of pocket cost.

Talk to a business like Nelson Insurance Agency for more details.


23 May 2019

Understanding Insurance Rates

About a year ago, I started thinking more seriously about choosing different insurance. I was focusing on all of the different aspects of insurance, and it was really interesting to me to see how much I could save by switching services. It was a lot to process, but before I knew it, I was able to completely overhaul my insurance coverage, and it made a tremendous amount of difference for me. This blog is here to help other people to know what to look for in insurance coverage so that they can enjoy a happier tomorrow. Check out this blog for more information.