Purchasing A Car Insurance Policy: Is Liability Insurance Really Enough?

Insurance Blog

Most people are aware of the fact that state laws require drivers to carry a certain amount of liability insurance in order to legally drive their vehicle on the open road. However, liability insurance is just one of the many different coverage options that will be available to you when purchasing car insurance. Consequently, you will need to determine whether or not meeting the legal requirements concerning liability insurance is enough for you or if you would benefit by choosing to purchase additional insurance as well. Taking the time to review some of the most common coverage options available can help you to make this important decision.

Collision Coverage

Unfortunately, there are many people who do not even realize that liability insurance does not provide coverage for damage to their own vehicle. However, the fact is that liability coverage will do nothing to reduce your out-of-pocket expenses associated with repairing your own vehicle after an accident. In order to enjoy this type of coverage, you will need to add collision coverage to your policy.

Comprehensive Coverage

The number of ways in which your vehicle could potentially be damaged is virtually endless. For example, your vehicle could be totaled by a falling tree or suffer severe damage as a result of vandalism. Comprehensive coverage protects you in situations such as these. While there are some limitations regarding the scenarios that comprehensive auto insurance covers, you can count on this type of insurance to cover most scenarios that do not involve being in an accident.

Rental Car Coverage

The cost of renting a vehicle while your car is being repaired can add up rather quickly. Unfortunately, simply going without a vehicle until their car is done getting repaired simply is not an option for many people. Choosing to add rental car coverage to your policy will help to ensure you never find yourself in a position where you need to choose between covering this cost or going without the transportation that you need. This is because this coverage will require you to pay only a small deductible for your rental car while the insurance company picks up the rest of the bill.

Uninsured Motorist Coverage

While it is true that all motorists are supposed to carry liability insurance under the law, the sad fact is that not all drivers follow the law. Consequently, there is always the risk that your vehicle will be struck by a driver who does not have insurance. If this happens, you will need to have uninsured motorist coverage included in your policy in order to be able to file a claim for damages to your vehicle.


27 September 2021

Understanding Insurance Rates

About a year ago, I started thinking more seriously about choosing different insurance. I was focusing on all of the different aspects of insurance, and it was really interesting to me to see how much I could save by switching services. It was a lot to process, but before I knew it, I was able to completely overhaul my insurance coverage, and it made a tremendous amount of difference for me. This blog is here to help other people to know what to look for in insurance coverage so that they can enjoy a happier tomorrow. Check out this blog for more information.