Attractive Nuisances And Homeowners Insurance — What You Need To Know

Insurance Blog

Do you have an attractive nuisance on your property that could be affecting your homeowners insurance coverage? Should you buy a home with an attractive nuisance? And if you have one, how can you minimize it's impact on insurance? Here are some answers to your questions.

What Is an Attractive Nuisance?

An attractive nuisance refers to any type of property element that makes your home or business more attractive or appealing — especially to children — but which also makes it riskier to insurance companies.

The most common example is a swimming pool. The pool generally increases the value of your property and is an appealing backyard element that most people enjoy. However, it also raises the risk of injury or death, particularly to children who find a pool to be tempting. So, in homeowners insurance terms, it's also a nuisance for anyone covering your risk. 

Because of the heightened risk, you may be charged more in premiums to cover an attractive nuisance. And some companies may not cover certain types at all. 

What Are Some Attractive Nuisances?

Although swimming pools and hot tubs are the most popular attractive nuisances, many different things can be categorized similarly. Treehouses are fun but also increase the risk of falling, even by kids who don't live in your home. Trampolines are one of the other most common nuisances. In addition, your insurer might include fixer-upper cars, water features, playground equipment, construction equipment, and toys. 

What Can You Do About Attractive Nuisances?

How you handle the insurance aspect of an attractive nuisance depends on many factors. If you really want a swimming pool, increased insurance rates may not be a huge factor in your decision. However, if you're on the fence about buying a property with a trampoline, you might simply skip the added trouble. And if your home has an attractive nuisance like construction debris, remove it to a safer location. 

Another alternative is to budget for increased premiums but to decrease the chances of a covered incident that would cause even higher rates. If you install a backyard zip line, for example, include a safety locking system so it cannot be used without your oversight. Simple moves like ensuring that your antique car or power tools are always safely locked in the garage will further protect against injuries. 

Where Can You Learn More?

If you have or are considering a property with an attractive nuisance, begin by learning more about how insurance companies view it. Work with an agent to determine if it can be covered by homeowners insurance, if you'll need additional policies, or how you can make it more palatable to homeowners insurance carriers today. The result will be a safer, stress-free, and well-insured home. 


3 March 2022

Understanding Insurance Rates

About a year ago, I started thinking more seriously about choosing different insurance. I was focusing on all of the different aspects of insurance, and it was really interesting to me to see how much I could save by switching services. It was a lot to process, but before I knew it, I was able to completely overhaul my insurance coverage, and it made a tremendous amount of difference for me. This blog is here to help other people to know what to look for in insurance coverage so that they can enjoy a happier tomorrow. Check out this blog for more information.